The Best Websites for Free Online Courses, Certificates, Degrees, and Educational Resources

Have you pondered extending your insight by taking a few courses? There are a few universities and different destinations that offer free online courses, endorsement programs, some degree projects, and training assets for instructors and teachers. 

MIT OpenCourseWare 

MIT OpenCourseWare offers free talk notes, tests, and recordings from classes at MIT. OpenCourseWare (OCW) was proposed by the MIT personnel in 2000 and they have been distributing instructive materials from their courses uninhibitedly and transparently on the Internet since the primary verification of-idea webpage in 2002, containing 50 courses. By November 2007, MIT had distributed nearly the whole educational program, more than 1,800 courses in 33 scholastic controls. 

No enlistment is required to exploit these instructive materials. 

OpenCourseWare (OCW) Consortium 

The OpenCourseWare (OCW) Consortium is a free and transparently authorized computerized distribution of top-notch school and university‐level instructive materials sorted out as courses. These courses regularly incorporate course arranging materials and assessment apparatuses and are open to anybody, whenever on the web. 


EdX is a joint, not-revenue driven organization between The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University to offer MIT and Harvard classes online for nothing to a huge number of individuals around the globe. The principal set of courses will be declared in the late spring and will start in Fall 2012. 

From the edX site: 

X depends on MITx, a mechanical stage from MIT intended to offer online forms of their courses. These variants include: video exercises, implanted testing, constant input, understudy positioned questions and replies, collective online research centers, and understudy paced learning. 

Open Yale Courses 

The Open Yale Courses site gives free and open access to a determination of initial courses instructed by recognized educators and researchers at Yale University. The talks were recorded in the Yale College study halls and are accessible in the video, sound, and content transcript groups. You are not required to enlist for online classes. Be that as it may, you won't get course credit, a degree, or an authentication. 

The Open University 

The Open University (OU) gives a great college degree online to anybody. About the entirety of the college classes they offer doesn't require earlier capabilities or experience. 

The OU has built up their own style of separation learning called "upheld open realizing." That implies you, as an understudy, can work any place you pick and plan your investigation around your different responsibilities. You get support from a guide or online gathering and have contact with different understudies in your own locale or on the web. You additionally approach understudy guides and study offices in your own locale. 


FreeEdNet is an assortment of different courses, instructional exercises, and learning materials accessible on the web, including some the individuals at FreeEdNet are creating themselves. The courses are free and, regularly, there is no sign-up. Just discover a course and begin dealing with it. 

NOTE: FreeEdNet isn't expected to supplant your conventional instruction at a trustworthy, degree-conceding school. Use FreeEdNet to survey material you recently learned in school, get ready for an occupation or school position tests, expand your professional aptitudes, or even learn increasingly hypothetical data about your work, pastime, or uncommon premium. 

Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online (ALISON) 

ALISON gives high-caliber, connecting with, intuitive interactive media courseware for accreditation and guidelines based learning allowed to the individual student. You can adapt anyplace utilizing their intelligent, self-managed interactive media. 

Ostensible expenses are charged for the utilization of the ALISON Manager, assistance that permits instructors, coaches, guides, and HR administrators to effectively and successfully regulate, oversee, and report on the internet learning of gatherings of understudies. Be that as it may, in the event that you are an individual student, you don't have to make a gathering or become an individual from a gathering. Essentially start your examination by tapping on a course of your decision. 

Online Education Database 

The Online Education Database (OEDB) has accumulated 200 online courses from enormous colleges, for example, MIT, Yale, and Tufts. You can take classes from these colleges without presenting an application or pay any educational cost. 

Annenberg Learner 

Annenberg Learner gives free mixed media assets to assist educators with expanding their ability in their fields and help them in improving their showing strategies, consequently progressing astounding instructing in American schools. The expert improvement of K-12 instructors is upheld through the conveyance of instructive video programs with composed Web and print materials. 

university of the People 

College of the People is an educational cost-free, non-benefit organization that gives online training to people everywhere throughout the world. The University doesn't charge you to take classes, for any perusing and other examination materials, or for yearly enlistment. 

NOTE: In request to stay supportable, the University of the People charges little preparing expenses for application and assessment handling. 

Webcasts at UC Berkeley 

UC Berkeley offers a focal grounds administration, called webcast.berkeley, for recording and distributing course and grounds occasions for understudies at UC Berkeley, just as for students around the world. Since 2001, webcast.berkeley has now made more than 16,000 hours of substance accessible on the website for UC Berkeley understudies and for the world all in all. 

Open Culture 

Open Culture is a site that centers around instructive media gathered from different locales. Download free courses from colleges in MP3 position, just as language exercises as digital recordings and an assortment of different webcasts that spread subjects, for example, innovation, travel, music, science, and the sky is the limit from there. You can likewise discover book recordings, motion pictures, and eBooks on the site. 


GCFLearnFree gives free, quality, creative web-based learning, in more than 750 distinct exercises, for any individual who needs to improve their innovation, proficiency, and math aptitudes. You can realize what you need when you need. View one instructional exercise or complete an entire class. 

Google Code University 

Google Code University has assembled an enormous assortment of instructive materials to assist you with figuring out how to program, regardless of whether you need to figure out how to program in C++, Java, or Python, or program your site utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There is likewise course content contributed by different ventures and scholastic establishments to help show subjects, for example, Android programming and Web programming to individuals everywhere throughout the world. You can discover instructional exercises and presentations, seminars on cutting edge or concentrated themes, recorded video talks and talks, and courses with issue sets and activities at GCU. 

Presently that you're good to go to extend your insight with some free courses, How-To Geek can give you some amazing applications and assets to assist you with getting reading material, programming you may require, online devices, and even how to begin a blog to help fill your portfolio. In case you're going to school face to face, we have a few hints on the most proficient method to email your educator and get a fast reaction on the off chance that you need assistance. Regardless of whether you're sans taking classes on the web or going to school, you can monitor your schoolwork assignments utilizing online help, called Soshiku. 

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